
July 2024

Blitzen Trapper - 100’s of 1000’s, Millions of Billions: Comforting

Carly Cosgrove - The Cleanest of Houses Are Empty: Emo AOTY by a Midwest mile

Childish Gambino - Atavista: Talk about memory holed.

Dälek - From Filthy Tongue of Gods and Griots: Tremendous rap album full of interesting production and captivating delivery

Decemberists - As It Ever Was, So It Will Be Again: A little longer than it needs to be, but otherwise what you would expect

Billie Eilish - HIT ME HARD AND SOFT: Too subtle too frequently, but certainly listenable

Beth Gibbons - Lives Outgrown: Melancholic.

Hope Conspiracy - Tools of Oppression_Rule by Deception: This rules and was worth the wait

Ladies - They Mean Us: Left me wanting a little more

Les Savy Fav - OUI, LSF: As if they never left

Marías - Submarine: I was really bought into the first half

Kacey Musgraves - Deeper Well: I still cannot explain why she clicks, but she does it again

of Montreal - Lady on the Cusp: A few good tracks here

Streets - Computers and Blues: I would not have been ready for this when it came out. Barely ready for it now.

Young Jesus - The Fool: Rabbit might be my song of the year, but the whole album just feels like a dream

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